
Evaluation of Flood Susceptibility Analysis in Şanlıurfa Province Based on Machine Learning and Different Statistical Methods
Nowaday, the loss of life and property due to natural disasters has become the most important and primary issue of those who govern countries. Especially climate change and population increase in cities have caused a significant increase in the number and amount of these loss of life and property. Floods, one of the most important of these natural disasters, occur frequently in the world and especially in Turkey in recent years. In this context, there are many studies on the subject of flood and minimizing the damage in flood events, and it shows the importance and popularity of the subject. In this study, the Merkez and Tut district of Şanlıurda province, which experienced a major flood event in 2023, was discussed. In this study, in which geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies are used, there are also many data sets used to complete the study. In addition, necessary data will be collected in the field with the help of drones, and with the help of machine learning, points with a high and medium probability of flooding will be determined.
2024-08-27 15:13:38
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